Word from Responders: “Small UAVs are Available, Now Help Us Use The Data They Generate!” REU Students Provide Apps
Posted by admin on Aug 11, 2015 at 5:14 am America/Chicago
Virtual reality reconstruction of Blanco River flood by Dr. Russ Taylor from CRASAR flight TEES just concluded a three day Summer Institute on Floods (July 26-28, 2015), which was hosted by our “mother” center, the Center for Emergency Informatics. The Summer Institute focuses on the data-to-decision problems for a particular type of disaster. This year’s Summer Institute was the second in two-part series on floods and brought together representatives from 12 State agencies, 15 universities, and 5 companies for two days of “this is what we did during the Texas floods” and one day of “this is what we could do or do better” experimentation with small unmanned aerial vehicles, crowd sourcing, computer vision, map-based visualization packages, and mobile phone apps for common operating pictures and data collection. A portion of the Summer Institute focused strictly on UAVs. The session was organized by the Lone Star UAS Center and the TEES Center for Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue (CRASAR), both of whom flew during the Texas floods. The UAV field exercises spanned four scenarios witnessed during the floods:
- Search of cars and other vehicles swept away by a storm surge for trapped victims;
- Search for missing persons who may have fled campsites or been swept down river;
- Assessment of damage to power lines and transformers and presence of standing water which prevents restoration of power infrastructure; and
- Assessment of damage to houses and estimates of household debris, which is critical to insurance companies estimating damage and agencies such as the American Red Cross in projecting social impacts.

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