Structural Inspection with Unmanned Vehicles
Posted by admin on Feb 27, 2014 at 7:11 am America/Chicago
My book Disaster Robotics (MIT Press, Kindle, and iBook) covers structural inspection, documents 16 cases where robots have been used for structural inspection after disasters (the majority by CRASAR, but I've documented all cases I can find reported through April 2013) and has criteria for choosing what robot, what the different work envelopes are, lots of tables/figures per modality, and failure taxonomy and rates.
Here's a quick guide to structural inspection in Disaster Robotics
- Chi1 defines structural inspection tasks versus recon and other tasks identified for disaster robotics.
- Ch2 list of robots used for what incident, formal failure taxonomy; this gives an overview of the 16 cases where robots have been used for structural inspection
- Ch3 use of ground robots for structural inspection, environments/work envelopes, describes the 5 cases where UGVs used for structural inspection, formulas for how to size a robot for an inspection task and a set of design spaces, gaps
- Ch4 use of UAVs for structural inspection, environments/work envelopes, describes the 7 cases where UAVs have been used for structural inspection, choice of rotorcraft versus fixed wing, conops, human-robot ratio and safety, issues with lots of GPS, gaps
- Ch5 use of marine vehicles for structural inspection, environments/work envelopes, describes the 4 cases where UMVs have been used for structural inspection, the need to inspect upstream not just the bridge substructure, choice of AUV, ROV, UMV, gaps
- Ch6 how to conduct fieldwork and data analysis, using structural inspection as an example
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