Electronic nose to guide search and rescue robots

Electronic nose to guide search and rescue robots

Posted by admin on Jul 24, 2014 at 10:37 am America/Chicago

A robot that can be guided by an electronic nose invented by a postgraduate student could aid search and rescue missions following natural disasters. During her postgraduate stay at the Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) in Mexico, Blanca Lorena Villarreal developed a device that allows multiple robotic platforms to follow the path of certain odors. The olfactory system is based on artificial intelligence algorithms that enable the detection of the scent of alcohol, but with some modifications to the system and the algorithms it can be made to recognize other chemicals and odors such as blood, sweat or human urine. Check out more information at eandt.theiet.org (registration to this website is free and is needed in order to view this article).

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